• Main Street West Branch

    Historic Main Street West Branch

    The focus on West Branch, Iowa is typically directed toward the Herbert Hoover Library and Museum and Herbert Hoover Nat.....

    Published On: May 3rd, 2024Categories: Uncategorized
  • Belgian flour sack

    The Wonderful History of the Belgian Flour Sacks

    When one thinks of art, the common images that would come to people’s minds would likely include painting on a canvas, .....

    Published On: April 24th, 2024Categories: Library and Museum
  • a wide shot of the newer carillon at the While visiting the Hoover Presidential Library and Museum, you may have heard the sound of bells playing music. Whether it’s The Stars at Stripes Forever at noon or holiday tunes in December, you likely paused and wondered about its source. Those sounds ringing through the town of West Branch come from the carillon located on the second floor of the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum

    The Source of That Music at the Library and Museum

    While visiting the Hoover Presidential Library and Museum, you may have heard the sound of bells playing music. Whether.....

    Published On: April 4th, 2024Categories: Library and Museum, Uncategorized
  • Photo of Iowa House of Representatives chambers

    Iowa Legislators Recognized for Uncommon Public Service Award

    State Representative Ako Abdul-Samad and State Senator Dan Dawson were recognized as the 2024 recipients of the Herbert.....

    Published On: April 2nd, 2024Categories: Awards