
Play an Important Role in the Foundation as a Volunteer

Whether they help every week, a few hours here and there, or just a couple of hours at a single event, volunteers are an important tool for the Foundation. Through the use of volunteers, the Foundation is able to reduce costs, complete tasks in-house and reserve resources to enhance educational programs and exhibits for visitors to the Hoover Campus.

Volunteer and be a part of the important work of the Hoover Presidential Foundation.

Help with Our Common Needs

No matter what your interest or skill level, we have an opportunity for you! Our most common needs include:

  • Data processing – keeping our lists up to date and organized
  • Mailings – help us fold, address and sort letters to members
  • Event assistance – greet prospective members and discuss the value of membership
  • Hometown Days – assist with registration, set-up, break-down, audio/visuals, guides, stage hands, etc.
  • And more – tell us what you’d like to do and how often you can do it and we can find a spot for you

Complete a Volunteer Application

Our volunteers touch the lives of hundreds, even thousands of people by showcasing the spirit and values we celebrate from Herbert Hoover’s life. Starting is easy – we just need to know a little bit about what you’d like to do and how to reach you. Download our volunteer application and either send it in the mail to the Hoover Foundation, email it to Ryan Johnson, or call Ryan Johnson for more information at (319) 643-5327.

Download volunteer application