Trustee Meeting Agenda
Friday, August 5, 2022
2:00 PM (CDT)
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The Hoover Presidential Foundation promotes and supports the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library-Museum, National Historic Site, and programs that relate to and enhance the understanding of Herbert Hoover as president and humanitarian.
By raising sufficient funds, The Hoover Presidential Foundation will support the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library-Museum and National Historic Site as they strengthen their internationally-recognized brand.
I. Welcome: Barry Butler, Chairman
. A. Roll Call of Attendees
II. Consent Agenda
. A. Secretary’s Report: Allan Hoover III (Minutes of 5-31-2022 Board of Trustees Meeting)
. B. Treasurer’s Report: Steven Howes
. 1. Financial Committee Report (July 20, 2022)
. 2. April 2022 Financials
. 3. May 2022 Financials
. 4. June 2022 Financials
. C. Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
. 1. May 12, 2022 Minutes
. 2. May 20, 2022 Minutes
. 3. July 22, 2022 Minutes
. D. Standing Committee Reports
. 1. Investment Committee Minutes & Report (July 20, 2022)
. i. Morgan Stanley April 2022 Statement
. ii. Morgan Stanley May 2022 Statement
. iii. Morgan Stanley June 2022 Statement
. iv. Morgan Stanley 2nd Qtr Hoover Investment Review, July 20, 2022
. 2. Development Committee Minutes & Report- July 15, 2022
. 3. Facilities Committee Minutes- June 30, 2022
. 4. Uncommon Student Award Committee Program Update- August 5, 2022
. (No Reports from Audit, Awards, Nominating, Travel Grant Committees)
. E. Hoover Campus Reports
. 1. Herbert Hoover National Historic Site – Peter Swisher, Superintendent
. 2. Herbert Hoover Presidential Library-Museum – Thomas Schwartz, Director
. 3. Hoover Presidential Foundation — Jerry Fleagle, President & CEO
. (Consent Agenda can be moved and approved en block, or items removed for further discussion at any Trustee’s request) (Motion Required)
III. Destination Iowa Grant Application Funding
. A. Individual Letter of Credit Update– Steve Howes
. B. HPF Letter of Credit Proposal (Resolution) (Motion Required)
. C. Letter of Credit Unrestricted
IV. Development- Mundi McCarty, VP of Development
. A. Destination Iowa Grant Application
. B. Campaign Overview and Timeline
. C. Development Overview
V. Banquet Committee Update- Diana Gradert, Chair
. A. Banquet Table Update
VI. Campus Leadership Committee- Charlie Becker, Vice Chair
. B. Museum Renovation Timeline– Updated
VII. Facilities Committee- Bruce Barnhart, Chair (June 30 Minutes)
. A. Rummells Center Update
. i. Elevator Status
. ii. A/V installation- complete Aug 1.
. iii. Additional Office Furniture Updated
. iv. Studying Solar, Geothermal Options
. B. Yellow House disposition- Two Issues (House and Property)
. i. House- Move, salvage or demolition- lookers, no buyers
. ii. Study future Yellow House ground usage
VIII. Nominating Committee- Betsy Corridan, Chair
IX. President & CEO Update- Jerry Fleagle
. A. July 2022 Membership Report
. B. Membership Roster (as of 6-30-22)
. C. Uncommon Student Award Update
. D. Hoover’s Hometown Days Update
. E. FY 2023 Budget Planning
X. Board Chairman’s Time- Barry Butler
. A. Next Board Meeting- Friday, November 4, 2022, 2PM CDT
. B. Other items?
XI. Old Business
XII. New Business
XIII. Adjourn