Third Thursday EXTRA – A Prairie Village: Herbert Hoover’s West Branch 1874 to 1885
April 5, 2022 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
| FreeApril 5, 2022
6 to 7 p.m. Zoom Webinar
Speaker: Peter Hoehnle
Herbert Hoover spent the first decade of his long and eventful life in the prairie village of West Branch, Iowa, a market, and railroad town that was just coming into its own during the years of his boyhood. Join us for a presentation about Hoover’s hometown filled with historic images of the people and places that Hoover knew. The presentation will place West Branch into the larger context of midwestern communities in the late 19th century and will touch on the social and economic life of West Branch during Hoover’s childhood.
About the Speaker:
Park Ranger Peter Hoehnle is a National Park Service park guide at the Herbert Hoover National Historic Site and holds a doctorate in history. He enjoys doing historical research and has been widely published on American communal societies, including volumes on Amana and the Shakers. He has served as President of the Communal Studies Association, and is a past editor of the journal Communal Societies.
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