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Dr. Will Anderson of Central Michigan University, our 2008 Artist in Residence, is returning to West Branch this coming Saturday, July 6th, for a special presentation of his radio play, “The Son of West Branch, America’s Great Humanitarian,” followed by a performance of original songs inspired by the drama. The work highlights importance milestones in Herbert Hoover’s life.
Since his artist in residency, Dr. Anderson has revisited the drama and added nine original songs to the original piece. The songs were inspired by key events in Hoover’s life. The program will be from 1-3 p.m. in the Visitor Center theater and will include both a performance of the piece as well as a discussion with Dr. Anderson. following. The event should last about two hours.
Dr. Anderson is a nationally recognized audio dramatist and winner of the 2022 Central Michigan University President’s Award for Outstanding Research and Creative Activity for his work developing new uses and distribution avenues for audio drama. As a teacher, Anderson has made it his life’s goal to create good writers and rationale-driven strategic communicators.

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